Single Origin

Adorsi - Ethiopia

Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia

Region : Gedeo Zone, Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia

Altitude: 1,900 - 2,150 MASL

Process: Washed

Adorsi - Ethiopia

Tasting Notes

Lemon Blossom, Mango, Black Pepper




Various Regional Smallholder Farms

More than 800 smallholder family farmers in the surrounding area deliver freshly picked coffee cherries to the nearby Adorsi washing station located in the Gedeo zone of the town of Yirgacheffe. This specific region is often recognized for producing extremely high-quality coffees, grown in the rich and fertile district. With elevations exceeding 2100 meters above sea level, the coffee grown here provides a bright and complex cup with a myriad of floral notes, caramel, subtle spice, and a juicy mango flavor that coats the tongue. The Adorsi washing station is owned and operated by the Yonis family. As part of the quality control process, fresh cherries are floated in water to separate lower qualities before de-pulping. Traditional disc pulpers are used and the coffee is allowed at least 24 hours to ferment before being fully washed and set to dry on raised beds for 10-12 days on average.