We have all seen and experienced the hardships that come with the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a tough year to say the least. But COVID hasn’t only affected the areas close to home. It has reached all parts of the world.
Back in September 2020, we learned from our friends in Guatemala, Primavera Coffee Importers, that farmers in Guatemala are struggling with unforeseen consequences of the COVID pandemic and subsequent national lockdowns and curfews. They saw increased cost of labor, higher prices for farm inputs like fertilizer, and higher transportation costs. With less demand for specialty coffee and quickly rising expenses, families have been experiencing great economic pressure.
Primavera put together a GoFundMe to raise money to assemble food relief baskets for coffee producers in Guatemala. Their hope was to provide over 200 producers with relief from short-term food insecurity, and enable these producers to free up their resources for other critical needs.
In 41 days, Primavera raised $7,164 with the help of donors, with Primavera doubling the donations to equal a total donation of $11,164. 205 coffee producer families most in need received a food basket. Providing food per family of five for four weeks! Below is a list of things in the food baskets.
5kg of maseca corn flour, 3lbs of incaparina (fortified beverage), 1 litre of cooking oil, 2 bags of powdered milk, 10lbs of black beans, 5lbs of rice, 2lbs of oats, 1kg of sugar, 10 bags of pasta, 60 fresh locally farmed eggs.
With your help, we were able to raise money by giving $10 of each bag sold during a week in September. We raised a total of $860 to donate to this relief fund. We are so thankful to have a community like you. Below is a photo of the receipt.
We are so stoked to continue to do cool things like this, together, in 2021.
If you want to learn more about this project, visit this page here.
Here is the receipt for the donation!